Saturday 28 July 2012

Honey Garlic, a rarity

Been back to Kirkley Fen to see if this unknown Allium had flowered. I was lucky enough to see many panicles drooping from the bulbils. It was soon evident I had found Nectaroscordum siculum (Honey Garlic.) A lifer for me. It i slocated near to the pump house and as it flooded out recently I wonder if it was washed down to here from garden waste. Allotments are nearby.

Friday 27 July 2012

Alder Galls

Found these Fungal Galls on young Alnus glutinosa Leaves on Kirkley Fen Today named as Taphrina tosquinetii an Acomycete Also a fine male Anax imperator (Emperor) patrolling above the water.

Wednesday 25 July 2012

Early Morning Walk Kirkley Stream

Took a walk along the Kirkley stream this morning. I found a colony of Essex Skippers showing well he ID feature of the black tipped antenna

Sunday 22 July 2012

Beach walk

I returned to Pakefield / Kessingland Beach to add more to my WFS Diary and found Prickly saltwort. Salso kali. I met another botanist who told me of Sea Bindweed up at Gunton warren. It's a new site so will have a look in the morning for it. Also found lots of Sand Robber Flies not sure of species but will try and catch one during the week.

Saturday 21 July 2012

Suffolk broads Little Owl

Found the Little Owl today on marshes near Lowestoft. managed a few record shots. then walked along the beach from Kessingland to lowestoft ahd a full day out

Friday 20 July 2012

Fruit Crop poor

This is supposed to be the time when the Rubus fruticosus (Bramble) is fruiting but this year is terrible. I did find Dewberry (Rubus caesius) in fruit along the River Wall along the River Waveney. Star plant today though was the Dipsacus fullonum (Teasel) Shown here. they flower from the middle slowly covering the heads. Although there was plenty of Buddlija davidii (Butterfly Bush) there was nothing lepidopteran nectaring. In fact the whole walk produced just two Whites.

Hot and Muggy

The day started chilly but my middday the sun came out and it was so hot and muggy. I was on the Suffolk broads and was soaked in sweat battling through the puddles. Great images of Black tailed skimmers